⚠️ The number of results you will be able to return will be dependent on your level of access:
In the introduction we showcased how to do a quick search. But it is very likely that you will need to collect more than 10 results. How would this task be performed?
Firstly, load purrr
and dplyr
Once you have the packages loaded, next set up the iterator by firstly getting the number of hits in the database:
query <- "crocodile shoot +hunting -shoes"
total_hits <- query_hits(query)
iterator <- seq(0, total_hits, by = 10)
You can now iterate over the search in the database. In this example I only show 10 as in the case of over query, we have to query 700 request to bring back ALL the information:
out <- iterator[1:5] %>% map_dfr(., ~query_text(query, from_pos = .x))
Finally, we can use the same itterator idea to collect the meta information for all the pages: